DIRECT. A69 motorway: a very calm day… The activists decamp, 300 people still present on the site

Despite its ban, the demonstration against the A69 took place this Saturday June 8. Of the

The activists leave

There are fewer and fewer of them. The Tarn prefecture indicates that only 300 people are still present on the camp site where the dismantling of all the installations is underway. All in a very calm atmosphere.

The prefect of Tarn met the police this morning

The day after numerous clashes between the police and demonstrators, which left 4 injured, Michel Vilbois was in Puylaurens this Sunday morning. The prefect of Tarn went to the site to meet the numerous police officers and gendarmes who are ensuring that the situation remains calm.

The situation is calm on site

700 people are still present on site. The police system has evolved compared to this Saturday. Units are stationed in Saïx, around the La Calarbre ZAD, which was the announced goal of today’s demonstration for activists.

Towards a calm day?

According to our information, no overflow took place last night. The police report a “calm night”. This Sunday, June 9 should also be after the major clashes which took place yesterday. The activists, still gathered at their camp, have planned debates and round tables in a rather festive atmosphere, far from what we experienced this Saturday.

Injuries to deplore

Michel Vilbois, the prefect of Tarn, took stock of the day this Saturday evening. He denounces the violence of certain “radical” activists. Injuries are to be deplored since a CRS was hit by a Molotov cocktail and two gendarmes were injured, as well as two demonstrators

Read also :
A69 motorway: gendarmes and demonstrators injured, “extreme violence”… The prefect of Tarn takes stock of the day

The news of this Sunday June 9 around the A69

Hello everyone and welcome to this live.

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