Diplomacy: Western leaders react to Ukraine escalation

Western leaders react to Ukraine escalation

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD, l) and Volodymyr Selenskyj, President of Ukraine, at a press conference in Kiev. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

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Germany, the USA and France condemn Putin’s deployment of troops in eastern Ukraine – and announce the consequences.

The US government has condemned in the strongest possible terms Russia’s decision to recognize the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states.

“The order (of US sanctions) is intended to prevent Russia from benefiting from this blatant violation of international law,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The punitive measures were not directed against the Ukrainian people or the Ukrainian government and allowed humanitarian and other activities to continue in these regions.

The White House had previously announced that US President Joe Biden would shortly issue a corresponding order with measures. These should therefore ban new investments, trade and financing by US persons in Donetsk and Luhansk. Blinken said Russia’s decision represents a complete departure from the commitments it has made under the Minsk agreements. It also directly contradicts Russia’s “alleged commitment to diplomacy” and is a “clear attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

Scholz and Macron condemn escalation

Germany and France have also announced a reaction together with the USA. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and Biden agreed in a conversation that there was a clear breach of the Minsk peace agreement for eastern Ukraine, explained German government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit. This step will not go unanswered.

Scholz, Biden and Macron had declared their solidarity with Ukraine and appreciated President Volodymyr Zelensky’s previously cautious reaction, Hebestreit continued. «The partners agreed not to let up in their commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. At the same time, every effort will be made to prevent the situation from escalating further.”

The ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, judged: “With today’s criminal decision, the Kremlin is pushing the world to the brink of a new world war,” Poroshenko wrote on Tuesday night on Facebook.

“Putin hates our sovereignty so much, our independence “aches” him so much, he doesn’t want to see any success from us so much that he is ready for any madness.” This decision by the neighboring country can only be described as “madness,” wrote Poroshenko, who in 2015 helped negotiate the peace plan for eastern Ukraine as head of state.


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