Diet: The science behind 3 of the most popular methods

Healthy and balanced diet should be part of everyone diet be. However, the methods that are particularly well-known and popular are often bad for your body. Many lack scientific evidence of their effectiveness. Nevertheless, they have numerous convinced followers, including celebrities.

3 Controversial Diets: Better stay away from them

Public figures in particular are subject to particularly great pressure to look perfect. However, there is hardly any time for this, which is why actors and co. often resort to particularly bizarre diets. They promise visible results in no time.

The problem: fans and followers often emulate their role models out of trust without questioning. From a research point of view, however, important health questions may still be unanswered.

#1 No Carb Diet (No Carbs)

The youngest representative of the well-known diet methodology is Kim Kardashian. The reality TV personality says she lost eight pounds in three weeks for attending the acclaimed Met Gala. For that she renounced noisy Insider went completely on sugar and carbs, ate “only the purest vegetables and protein,” used a treadmill, and wore a sauna suit to shed extra weight.

Health experts, insiders said, were alarmed by this “extreme tactic.” First and foremost, it is not sustainable to lose so much weight in a short period of time. You have to reckon with a yo-yo effect that can lead not only to weight gain, but also to the deterioration of existing health problems.

In addition, several show studiesthat such a “no carb” diet can lead to side effects in various other ways. This is based, for example, on the associated lack of fiber. But also on the fact that carbohydrates, the body’s primary source of energy, are eliminated at the same time.

Possible Consequences

  • constipation
  • digestive problems
  • low energy level
  • exhaustion
  • deteriorated mental functioning
  • nausea
  • bad sleep

#2 Mayr Diet (causing better gut health)

The “Mayr method” or “Mayr cure” has been around for over 100 years. She was made by Dr. Franz Xavier Mayr developed and actually serves the “rehabilitation” of the intestine. This, in turn, is said to help promote weight loss and health. Actress Rebel Wilson is said to have followed this method and lost 35 kilograms in 18 months.

According to insiders, what initially sounds healthy, since the focus is not primarily on weight loss, is what experts describe as “a mix of good advice and pseudoscientific nonsense”.

The diet does emphasize thoughtful or slow eating, which can help you better accommodate your appetite and avoid overeating. On the other hand, it is already excessive to chew each bite 40 times according to the method.

The requirement to avoid caffeine, sugar, dairy products and raw meat after 4 p.m. also lacks any scientific basis. Various studies even suggest that for most people doing without is of no benefit. Only people with gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance or milk allergy could benefit from it.

Possible Consequences

  • Eliminate foods rich in nutrients such as dairy and grains with gluten
  • Strict rules about when and how to eat can trigger unhealthy eating habits in people who have had eating disorders

#3 Carnivore Diet (eat only meat)

The procedure, also known as the “carnivore diet”, is about doing without any plant-based food and instead eating only animal products. Well-known supporters of this method include the controversial podcaster Joe Rogan (“The Joe Rogan Experience”), the Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson and Dr. Shawn Baker, multiple world rowing champion.

Long-term research on humans on this type of nutrition has not been done like the Bayrischer Rundfunk (BR) reported. Scientists are still investigating the possible effects of unbalanced food intake. To insiders explained Researchers, however, that a carnivore diet can have health consequences.

According to this, studies indicate, among other things, that plant nutrients such as fiber and polyphenols, which are missing from the diet, protect against heart disease and cancer. The question of a vitamin C deficiency is also open.

This is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Both are forbidden as part of the diet. Supporters argue that the body needs less of it if it doesn’t eat carbohydrates. To do this, he should pull the necessary amount out of the muscle meat. That is not scientifically proven.

Possible Consequences

  • high cholesterol levels
  • compromised heart health
  • lack of dietary fiber
  • Vitamin C deficiency

Sources: BR, Insider, Healthline

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