“Did you bring us your little brother’s drawings?” » Agathe, tattoo artist, practices the “ignorant” style

His features are trembling, his lines ironed or poorly closed and his fillings overflow. However, Agathe is not a beginner in drawing. After studying art and evolving in the graffiti world, she turned to tattooing.

Far from the old traditional, Agathe pushes the limits of aesthetics by freeing herself more and more from the rules. She pays particular attention to error which she places at the center of her artistic reflection. She decides to join the trend that we call “ignorant style”. Raw tattoos, without embellishments, which break conventional codes.

What does it look like ? A little pop art, a little children’s cartoons, a few errors or crude lines and that’s it! His inspiration? The graffiti and the “daddy” of “ignorant style”: Fuzi.

Have a joke tattooed on your body

For Agathe, the naivety of her drawings and tattoos has an advantage over the realistic style: “People want to have a relationship that is not necessarily first degree. I have people who came after deaths and the “stupid” side of my drawings gives a lightness to things that can be super deep. There are also people who come just because the tattoo made them laugh, and they say to themselves that it’s so good to have a joke tattooed on their body. »

However, Agathe’s tattoos are not only imitated. On Instagram, the young woman also receives her share of negative messages. This does not discourage her, however: “There is a part of me that this comforts because the goal was not to make things beautiful. And when people tell me “I don’t like it,” I take it to the same degree that I take art and drawings. I take it seriously! »

To listen to Agathe’s full interview, and especially to see what “ignorant style” tattoos look like, you can watch the video at the top of this article.

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