DFB team: Campus premiere without Neuer – Flick trains with 20 players

DFB team
Campus premiere without Neuer – Flick trains with 20 players

Goalkeeper Manuel Neuer did not take part in DFB training today. photo

© Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

The national soccer team has played its first training session on the new campus site without captain Manuel Neuer.

The national soccer team has played its first training session on the new campus site without captain Manuel Neuer.

The goalkeeper from FC Bayern Munich was absent in the morning because of a problem with his toe. National coach Hansi Flick expects Neuer to return to training as early as Wednesday.

Matthias Ginter, Thilo Kehrer and Lukas Nmecha, who stayed at the team hotel after their club assignments on Sunday to manage their workload, were also absent from the practice session. 20 players took part in training, which the DFB employees were able to follow as spectators.

Flick prepares the DFB selection at the association’s headquarters in Frankfurt for the last group games in the Nations League. On Friday (8.45 p.m. / ZDF) the game in Leipzig against Hungary is next. The classic against England in Wembley follows on Monday (8.45 p.m. / RTL). Flick described the games as a dress rehearsal for the World Cup in Qatar in two months.


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