Deutschlandticket: Cities want more money for local transport subscriptions

local transport
Cities want a commitment to the Deutschlandticket – and more money

People are standing on the platform at the main station in front of a train; the Deutschlandticket logo can be seen on the left

The Deutschlandticket is a success, at least among travelers

© Sebastian Gollnow / Picture Alliance / DPA

It will probably cost 40 to 60 billion euros to expand local transport and convert it in a climate-friendly way. According to the German Association of Cities, this also includes a yes to the Germany Ticket.

German cities want additional billions for buses, trains and… Germany ticket. “We have to make it as attractive as possible for people to switch from their own car to public transport,” said City Council President Markus Lewe after a board meeting in Straubing, Bavaria. The mayor of Münster therefore called on the federal government to do its part for a “real boost in investment” in local public transport.

Costs between 40 and 60 billion euros

The cities wanted to invest in modern buses and trains, shorter cycle times, more attractive networks and emission-free fleets. This is necessary in order to meet the climate goals by 2030 and double the number of passengers, said Lewe. The costs for this would be between 40 and 60 billion euros. “But the federal government remains silent about how this will be financed and what contribution it will make. This is a real problem.”

Specifically, the city council demanded from the Federal Government:

Commitment to the Deutschlandticket required

Shortly after the decision to make the 49-euro ticket a 58-euro ticket, Lewe also demanded a commitment to the Germany ticket, as it is officially called. The additional nine euros would be enough for the time being, but there is no security for 2026.


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