Deutsche Bahn: fares increase by 1.9 percent – economy

Deutsche Bahn is increasing fares. From December 12th, train travel will be on average 1.9 percent more expensive, as the company announced on Friday in Berlin.

Tickets at the so-called super saver price and saver price will be available unchanged from 17.90 euros and 21.50 euros respectively. On the other hand, the flex price and the prices for route season tickets will rise by an average of 2.9 percent. Bahncards are also 2.9 percent more expensive.

The railway spoke of a moderate price adjustment and pointed out that general inflation is currently 4.1 percent. “In a long-term comparison, rail travel remains cheap,” emphasized the company. Even after the price increase in December, a long-distance journey costs about as much as in 2012. For Bahncards 25 and 50 it is the first increase in seven years.

The price premium, averaging 1.9 percent overall, is the highest since 2012. After that, there were also some zero rounds. In 2020, long-distance transport prices fell by ten percent after the federal government cut VAT. This should encourage more people to take the train instead of getting into a car or plane.

The state company is doing badly financially. In addition to problems in international business and in freight transport, the corona crisis was a heavy burden. In the first half of 2021 alone, the highly indebted group posted a loss of 1.4 billion euros. Nevertheless, the goal remains to double the number of long-distance passengers by 2030 compared to 2015. This should help Germany achieve its climate goals in transport. In return, billions flow into trains, the rail network and additional employees.

The railway has not yet announced a price increase in regional transport for this year. There, however, the railway only makes the prices for trips outside of transport associations, which affects around every fifth customer trip.

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