Garth Brooks: Trisha Yearwood Drängt nach einem Haus in Irland

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Garth Brooks und seine Frau Trisha Yearwood ziehen in Betracht, von Nashville nach Irland zu ziehen, während er mit schweren Vorwürfen konfrontiert ist, seine frühere Haar- und Makeup-Künstlerin sexuell angegriffen zu haben. In einem Gerichtsverfahren in Kalifornien behauptet eine Frau unter dem Pseudonym „Jane Roe“, dass Garth sie 2019 während einer Geschäftsreise vergewaltigt und belästigt hat. Brooks bestreitet die Vorwürfe und hat eine Klage eingereicht, um die Öffentlichkeit über die Anschuldigungen zu blockieren.

Garth Brooks has disclosed that he and his spouse Trisha Yearwood are contemplating a move from Nashville to Ireland, following allegations of sexual assault made against him by a former hair and makeup artist.

“Actually, [Trisha] is really pushing for the house in Ireland,” Garth, 62, mentioned during a fan’s inquiry in an episode of Inside Studio G, relating to his previous discussions about relocating to the Emerald Isle. “I believe she truly fell in love with the country during our last visit. We played there for two weekends and toured around, and everyone was so welcoming to her.”

This news comes shortly after a woman, using the pseudonym “Jane Roe,” accused the “Friends in Low Places” singer of sexual assault and battery in a lawsuit, which was filed in a California state court on October 3. She alleged that Garth raped her during a business trip in 2019 and that he frequently exposed himself, engaged in discussions of inappropriate sexual fantasies, changed clothes in her presence, and sent sexually explicit text messages.

In response to Jane’s claims, the artist known for “When the Thunder Rolls” has denied the allegations and filed his own lawsuit aiming to prevent her from speaking publicly about the accusations.

“[Jane’s] claims are unfounded. [Jane] is well aware of the significant and irreversible damage such false allegations could inflict on [Garth’s] reputation as a kind and reputable individual, as well as the inevitable harm to his family and detrimental impact on his career and livelihood if she proceeds with her fabricated lawsuit,” the lawsuit stated.

Garth initially filed his suit under the name John Doe to maintain privacy, claiming that Jane had threatened to damage his reputation through the public disclosure of “disgusting and false allegations.” He also alleged that Jane had hinted at filing the lawsuit but said she would not pursue it if he agreed to pay her a substantial sum.

Although Garth asserted that he provided her with as much financial aid as possible, he rejected her request to become a full-time employee with benefits. The singer sought a court ruling to declare Jane’s accusations false and requested damages for the emotional distress she caused him.

Just days after the lawsuit became public, he amended his complaint, disclosing Jane’s name, which prompted her to criticize him for the action.

“Garth Brooks has shown his true colors. Out of spite and for punishment, he publicly named a rape victim,” remarked the alleged victim’s lawyer in a statement on October 8. “Without any legal grounds, Brooks exposed her identity, believing he is above the law. We will be seeking maximum sanctions against him immediately.”

Jane also submitted a letter to the judge requesting sanctions against Garth for making her name public. She contended that the only motive for Garth revealing her identity was to “retaliate, harm, and subject her to victim shaming and blaming.”

“Mr. Doe disclosed Ms. Roe’s identity out of vengeance with the intent to inflict harm, understanding that she refused to succumb to his intimidating behavior and had initiated her claims against him as she had promised all along,” Jane’s attorneys later stated.

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