Despite criticism, future transport lines on the rails

The new tram lines will be called 6, 7 and 8. – Nantes metropolis

  • The time for the first arbitrations has come about the three new tram lines, which had been submitted for consultation.
  • Despite criticisms relating to a project too concentrated on the island of Nantes, the metropolis validates the project, with some readjustments.

Almost three months after the major consultation on the future new tram lines on the Ile de Nantes, which brought together nearly 900 contributions, the time has come for the first arbitrations. And despite the expression of multiple criticisms, added to the drop in transport use linked to the health crisis, the metropolis announced on Thursday that this structuring project at 325 million euros will indeed be maintained, at least in its general shape.

By 2026 and as a reminder, three new lines (6, 7 and 8) must in particular be positioned on the island of Nantes, which will host the future CHU. All three will start from Rezé (Basse-île) and cross the Trois-Continents bridge. Two will connect to the Quai de la Fosse to join the current route of line 1, while the third (line 8) will only have a few stations, stopping around Mangin.

What fate for line 8 and the Anne-de-Bretagne bridge?

If the first two let some inhabitants fear duplication with the existing route, they are “validated and eagerly awaited” assures the metropolis this Thursday. But the last one could take a different form than that of a tram, as presented initially, This Friday, the elected officials of Nantes metropolis must vote the realization of additional studies in order to “reassess its relevance” and take advantage of it perhaps to reduce the invoice, by opting for a chronobus for example. The final decision will be made in the fall. “Critics have been issued on this line, deemed too short or low potential, notes Bertrand Affilé, vice-president of the metropolis in charge of transport. But we have to think in the longer term: the idea is to extend it to Doulon, again without having to go through Commerce. “

An argument to try to respond to the main criticism of contributors and elected members of the opposition, namely too much centrality and the lack of new services. If Nantes Métropole recognizes “the strong demand expressed for the development of a transport offer to the municipalities located beyond the ring road”, it ensures that this but also the other projects launched (transport offer on the road to Pornic , extension of line 4 to the Vertou center…) Will allow you to answer them.

Another reservation made by some citizens and which will surely be the subject of heated debate this Friday, the doubling of the Anne-de-Bretagne bridge and its transformation into public space, an idea contested by the elected opposition. Faced with the doubts expressed, the project will be the subject of a new citizen consultation to “clarify expectations” around this square bridge, announces the metropolis.

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