Denmark: Queen Margrethe apologizes to her son – Panorama

In the otherwise oh-so-relaxed Danish royal family, there is unusual excitement because Margrethe II revokes the titles of princess and prince from some of her grandchildren. The monarch’s reaction to the big bang in the tabloid media is astounding.


Kai Strittmatter, Stockholm

From a distance, there are probably worse things than a princess and three princes who will soon only be able to call themselves countess and counts. There are definitely more important things, also in Denmark. For example, the impending resignation of the government in the midst of the Ukraine war, inflation and energy crisis, which nobody knew whether the prime minister would announce on Tuesday at the opening ceremony of the parliament. And yet, with some of the reporters on Parliament’s steps that day, it seemed as if their most pressing questions had only one target, and it wasn’t the Prime Minister.

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