Demonstrations: Thousands demand climate and democracy protection ahead of European elections

Thousands demand climate and democracy protection ahead of European elections

“Your choice = my future”: Demonstrators on Königsplatz in Munich. Photo

© Sven Hoppe/dpa

It’s about the climate, democracy and the European elections. The climate movement Fridays for Future has called for protests across Germany. In some cities, however, fewer participants came than expected.

Thousands of people in Germany have followed a call from the Fridays for Future movement and have called for climate protection and Democracy demonstrated.

The protests were intended to draw attention to the importance of the EU in tackling the climate crisis and the upcoming European elections ahead of the European elections, the organization said. Larger demonstrations took place in Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, among other places. In total, protests were announced in around 100 cities.

Neubauer: EU climate policy must become more consistent

The European elections will take place in Germany on June 9. For the first time, all people aged 16 and over will be able to vote in the Federal Republic. “In order to have a chance of catching up with the raging climate catastrophes, the EU’s climate policy must become even more consistent,” climate activist Luisa Neubauer told the German Press Agency. “This can only be achieved with a strong democracy, social peace and cohesion. The far-right wants to destroy all of this.”

Fridays for Future is calling for an EU-wide phase-out of coal, oil and gas by 2035 and a doubling of investments in renewable energies and climate-neutral industries.

Fewer participants in Hamburg than expected

According to initial police estimates, more than 5,000 people took part in the demonstration in Berlin. The organizers put the number at 13,000. The rally started at noon in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

According to the police, more than 1,000 people gathered in Hamburg, in what was at times pouring rain. That was significantly less than initially expected – the organizers had originally expected around 15,000 participants. “The people who are there are definitely very committed,” said a spokeswoman for Fridays for Future in Hamburg.

Singer Lina cancels performance

Singer Lina was actually supposed to perform at the climate demonstration, but the 26-year-old canceled at short notice. The reason for this was that she does not agree with how the climate movement deals with anti-Semitism.

In her opinion, Fridays For Future Hamburg does not sufficiently distance itself from anti-Semitism and does not do enough to prevent anti-Semitic content from being shown regularly and on a large scale at their demonstrations. Lina Larissa Strahl used to appear in the cinema as Bibi Blocksberg, and most recently she danced in the RTL show “Let’s Dance”.

Further demonstrations in Munich and Kiel, among others

According to the police, around 2,000 people took to the streets at the climate protest in Munich. Here, too, there were significantly fewer than the 8,000 people that the organizers had previously registered.

A climate camp started on Thursday at Munich’s Königsplatz with tents around the Glyptothek. Until Sunday, the KVR expects between 250 and 300 people to meet there every day to exchange ideas, get information and protest peacefully. Because of the weather, the organizers have secured the tents and spread pallets on the ground to protect them from the mud.

In Kiel, several hundred people took part in the climate protests. According to the police, around 800 participants came. Around 1,000 were expected beforehand.

Lang supports demonstrators

“It is encouraging to see that thousands of people across Germany are taking to the streets today for more climate protection,” Green Party leader Ricarda Lang told the German Press Agency. The climate strike is more relevant than ever. One week before the European elections, it is clear that June 9 will be a groundbreaking event for European climate policy. “Parts of the Union want to deliberately roll back climate protection and are thereby consciously opposing the course of their own top candidate. The Union’s zigzag course on the Green Deal is a threat to the climate, to Germany as a business location and to prosperity throughout Europe.”


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