Demonstration of support for Bastia under close surveillance, between anger and call for calm

The emotion is still strong in Corsica after the aggression, eleven days ago, of Yvan Colonna in prison. A large demonstration is to take place this Sunday in Bastia from 3 p.m., with the slogan “truth and justice”. Present at each demonstration since the attack on the shepherd of Cargèse in the prison of Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), where he was serving a life sentence for his participation in the assassination of the prefect Erignac in 1998 in Ajaccio , the slogan “French State assassin” is still put forward by two of the three student unions at the origin of the demonstration.

If the last two evenings have been rather calm in the Corsican streets, many fear overflows in front of the Bastia courthouse. Because the temptation is great among some, especially the separatists, to use force to twist the arm of the government. “We are making more progress in seven days of violence than in seven years of negotiations”, noted the independence party Core in Fronte on Twitter. “It must be noted that a priori violence (…) has made it possible to obtain a certain number of things that have been demanded for years”, points out Ugo Colombani, training adviser.

A demonstration under close surveillance

In fact, Prime Minister Jean Castex attempted appeasement on Friday by announcing the lifting of the status of “particularly guarded detainee” (DPS) of Pierre Alessandri and Alain Ferrandi, two other members of the “Erignac commando” still detained on the continent. This status blocked the rapprochement of the three men in a Corsican prison. But this gesture, after the lifting of the DPS status of Yvan Colonna on Tuesday, unanimously received as a provocation in Corsica, the man now being in a coma, did not lower the tension in the island of Beauty.

“”The French murderous State”, yes we proclaim it loud and clear”, maintains the association for the defense of prisoners Sulidarità, according to which “Corsican society, revolted by years of humiliation and contempt, is rediscovering the sense of what makes a people: the act of walking together”. In an attempt to avoid overflows on Sunday afternoon, the Prefecture of Haute-Corse prohibited by order the transport of “firecrackers, smoke bombs, mortars and fireworks”, as well as the use on the public highway of “receptacles containing chemicals, flammables or explosives”. A reference in particular to these agricultural bombs and other molotov cocktails launched at the police and public buildings on the island by certain militants.

“Act without violence, act with the greatest dignity”

On the side of elected officials, many have called for appeasement. Marc Simeoni, brother of Gilles Simeoni, autonomist president of the Executive Council of Corsica and former lawyer for Colonna, calls for moderation on Twitter. “Presenting violence as a lever for victory is dangerous for our children on the front line, unbearably dangerous”, warns the man who himself was imprisoned for having helped Yvan Colonna during his four years on the run.

Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, president of the Assembly of Corsica, and Jean-Félix Acquaviva, nationalist deputy for Haute-Corse, relayed on Twitter the letter from the sister of an independence activist killed in 1987, close to Yvan Colonna . In this message, the young woman calls on the demonstrators to “never fall back into the fatal trap” which would be to “believe that ‘power is at the end of the gun’, when the gun is in the hands of the State which assassinates ! “: “Act without violence, act in the greatest of dignity”, she insists. With the same objective, the bells of all the churches of Corsica will be heard at noon, announced the bishop of Ajaccio, Mgr François Bustillo: “as a call for peace, unity and reconciliation”.

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