Demonstration in Kabul: women protest for fear of oppression

Status: 04.09.2021 2:54 p.m.

Afghan women fear reprisals from the Taliban’s takeover, but resistance is now rising. There were renewed protests in Kabul. According to local journalists, a woman was injured.

For the second day in a row, women protested against the rule of the radical Islamic Taliban and for women’s rights in the Afghan capital of Kabul. This led to clashes. At least one woman was injured, reported journalists on site.

According to videos from local TV stations and activists, the demonstration resulted in chaotic scenes. Around two dozen women had initially demonstrated peacefully near the presidential palace, as can be seen in pictures that were shared on social media. They held signs in their hands that read, for example, “We are not the women of 20 years ago” or “Equality – Justice – Democracy!”.

Screaming duels with security forces

Videos can be seen of the women being surrounded by 50 or more Taliban security forces and having screaming duels with them. A Taliban commander asks over a loudspeaker, “Wait, what’s the problem, what do you want, there is no problem girls, okay?”, While a young woman’s voice can be heard in the background asking: “Why are you hitting us?” Local journalists shared the video of a woman with blood running from her head.

In a video made by activists off the demonstration, a woman says that women educated themselves to work in high-ranking government positions. “What is our fault that they sidelined us today?” She asks. The woman who recorded the video said the peaceful protest by women was again suppressed by the Taliban. They fired warning shots and used tear gas.

“The Taliban only want women in low positions”

The videos and information could not initially be verified independently. CNN also reported on the women’s protest. Several women had previously demonstrated for women’s rights in Kabul on Friday. One participant, Taranum Sajidi, told the dpa news agency that the situation forced them to take to the streets and claim their rights. She has three university degrees and now they want her to stay at home. The Taliban only wanted women in low positions.

During the Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001, women were no longer allowed to work in Afghanistan and were only allowed to leave the house when accompanied by a male family member. She was forbidden to speak or laugh out loud in public. Girls were also excluded from school. Since the Islamists came back to power, many women fear that they will reintroduce similar rules for them.


04.09.2021 • 5:41 pm

Believe in the good of the Taliban

I could imagine that today’s Taliban are much more modern and enlightened than those who ruled the country 20 years ago. It is a fact that equality between men and women is inconceivable in Islam. The only option: women quit Islam. Then different rules should apply to them.

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