Democrats hold majority in US Senate: “This victory belongs to Joe Biden”

Status: 13.11.2022 5:50 p.m

Nevada made the decision: The US Senate remains under the control of the Democrats. While there is relief among them, ex-President Trump has already identified a culprit in his party.

By Ralf Borchard, ARD Studio Washington

The fact that the Democrats are able to hold a narrow majority in the US Senate is considered a success for the president. “This victory belongs to Joe Biden,” says Elizabeth Warren, Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, in an interview with the television network NBC.

The President himself reacted to the Senate results from Arizona and Nevada during his trip to Asia: “I feel good where we are now,” said a visibly relieved Biden. “I’m incredibly happy.” He offered the Republicans in Congress again talks and emphasized that he wanted to continue his previous political agenda in the next two years.

One of the first Democrats to react to the Nevada result was New York Senator Chuck Schumer. Already written off by many, he now remains the majority leader in the Senate. “The American people have rejected the anti-democratic, extremist MAGA Republicans,” Schumer said. This refers to the supporters of ex-President Donald Trump, who continue to follow the slogan “Make America Great Again”, abbreviated to MAGA.

Trump’s presidential candidacy expected

On his social media platform, Trump himself blamed Senate Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell for the poor performance in the midterms. Trump said McConnell had backed the wrong Senate candidates financially. Previously, he had again claimed without any evidence that there had been electoral fraud.

Many in the Republican Party expect Trump to announce his 2024 presidential nomination Tuesday night despite the election result. However, Liam Donovan, who has advised the Republicans in several election campaigns, emphasized on the radio station NPR that this does not mean that Trump is not facing competition from within the party. The other potential presidential candidates like Ron DeSantis simply “kept their powder dry at the moment”.

No decision in the House of Representatives yet

The majorities in the House of Representatives are still open. A narrow majority of Republicans is considered likely here. President Biden will therefore need the Republicans for larger legislative projects.

On the other hand, the fact that the Democrats at least continue to control the Senate means that Biden can continue to appoint judges, ambassadors and other government representatives and enforce them with his own Senate majority. And a total political blockade by the Republicans will at least become more difficult in the next two years.

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