Delisted in 2021, the Wish online sales platform is making a comeback in France

After being delisted on the main search engines in 2021, the Wish online sales platform is back. “After more than a year of exchanges with the company ContextLogic and in view of the elements produced, the commitments made and the checks carried out by the DGCCRF, the delisting of the site and its application has been ended”, announced on Wednesday the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF).

In November 2021, Bercy had requested the delisting of Wish, which resells cheap products mainly made in China, applying for the first time in France a new provision voted in 2020 by Parliament.

A return to the App Store “in the coming days”

As part of an investigation by the Repression of Fraud, it had “noted a particularly high level of dangerousness on certain products and misleading information about their nature”, recalled this Wednesday the office of the Minister Delegate for Trade Olivia Gregory at AFP. The Wish app was then removed from Apple and Google’s app stores, and no longer appeared in responses from search engines like Google and Bing.

On Tuesday, the platform was delighted that “French users (can) again download and update the Wish application from Google Play, as well as navigate to the website directly from search engines”. She said she “anticipates” her return to the App Store “in the coming days”.

“We would like to thank the DGCCRF for engaging in a constructive dialogue and we are pleased to have reached a solution allowing Wish to return to the market,” said Joanna Forster, Acting General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Wish.

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