Defibrillators given directly to 50 “citizen rescuers”

The operation is presented as a first in France. In Angers, where some 166 defibrillators were previously accessible, around fifty new devices were deployed on Monday. No need to try to locate them in the public space: they were directly given to “citizen rescuers”, including municipal police officers, who will intervene in case of urgent need, following a heart attack.

At the initiative of the Sauv Life association, whose app has been available almost everywhere in France and in Maine-et-Loire since December 2020, the system should make it possible to further improve the care of victims. If the system already allowed the SAMU to alert the nearest volunteer residents, while waiting for the arrival of help (ten minutes on average), “Sauv Life wanted to go further by training and equipping citizens with defibrillators who could intervene quickly and put the defibrillator in the first minutes, ”explains the town hall of Angers in a press release.

According to Dominique Savary, head of the emergency medicine department of the CHU d’Angers, “the earlier the resuscitation maneuvers are started, in particular chest compressions and if possible defibrillation, the better the patient’s survival”. Every minute without cardiac massage would represent 10% less survival.

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