Defense Secretary Lambrecht: A year of glitches and missteps


Status: 01/14/2023 00:58

A failed speech on New Year’s Eve or 5,000 helmets for Ukraine: Defense Minister Lambrecht repeatedly made headlines with shortcomings – she could resign soon. A look back at a year full of mishaps.

By Moritz Rödle, ARD Capital Studio

For Christine Lambrecht, the path to becoming Secretary of Defense begins with a backwards roll. It is the end of September 2021, the SPD has just won the election. Not many expected the win. Apparently neither did Lambrecht himself.

In view of the poor poll numbers for the Social Democrats, the then Federal Minister of Justice announced her withdrawal from politics about a year before the election. But three days after the general election, there is no longer any talk of it. Lambrecht is now working behind the scenes to become a minister again.

The SPD must compensate

These efforts are not well received in the new SPD parliamentary group. Among other things, it is said that nobody was waiting for Lambrecht. But it actually turns out differently. Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised during the election campaign that he would head a cabinet made up of equal numbers of women and men.

However, the FDP does not see itself as bound by these promises. The SPD must compensate. This means that out of seven ministries, four must be headed by an SPD woman for the calculation to add up. Obvious candidates like the experienced defense politician and soldier’s son Lars Klingbeil are therefore out of the question. And so Scholz ends up looking for a person with ministerial experience at Lambrecht.

Lambrecht rides in with the cavalry

But the problems start immediately. Lambrecht has already earned a reputation in the Ministry of Justice for not being squeamish when it comes to personnel decisions. In particular, the close employees of her predecessor Katarina Barley can sing a song about it.

Lambrecht also rode into the Ministry of Defense with the cavalry. Even before she officially moves in, important employees have to step down. The predecessor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is so upset that she stays away from the official handover. Lambrecht has produced her first scandal in the new office. More are to follow.

A matter of style

Just a few days later the next stumble. In an interview with the “Bild” newspaper, she was asked whether she could tell the difference between a lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant colonel. The minister answers evasively. Her first question in the new office was whether she had to remember all of that. But Mr. or Mrs. plus cash on delivery is enough.

It doesn’t go down well with the squad. A secretary of defense who doesn’t even want to remember the ranks. Often, as in this case, it is not problems of content, but questions of style that bring the minister into criticism.

Picture of a procrastinating government

When the discussion about military support for the Ukraine started for the first time in January, Lambrecht proudly announced the delivery of 5,000 military protective helmets in a specially convened press event. The echo is devastating. The Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki speaks publicly of a joke.

The magazine “Focus” writes of a “disgrace”, the “Berliner Morgenpost” of a “laughing number”. The much-heralded delivery became an international symbol for Germany’s unsteady course in Ukraine politics. When it came to the issue of supplying arms to Ukraine, the minister made anything but a solid impression. It thus reinforces the image of a hesitant federal government.

Violation of safety regulations

Even after that, she manages to make the headlines with her shortcomings. During a visit to the troops in Mali, she appeared in open-toed heels. Once again, soldiers do not feel that they are being taken seriously. The minister is also violating safety regulations that apply to everyone else.

The next scandal: a helicopter flight with her son. Legally, the family trip is legal, but communicatively a disaster. This is mainly due to the photos published by her son on a social network. The Defense Ministry’s formal legal arguments are hardly effective against the power of images, and Lambrecht does not give the impression that she has understood the problem.

F-35 fighter jets and digital radios

But she does not have to fear for her office at this point. Lambrecht is considered highly loyal to the chancellor. Both have already worked together in the Federal Ministry of Finance. According to government circles, Scholz appreciates their reliability. And not everything goes wrong.

During Lambrecht’s tenure, the decisions for the new F-35 combat aircraft and digital radios were also made. The troops have been waiting for this for a long time and the SPD in particular still had to be convinced of the F-35. And Lambrecht also made a real breakthrough with long underpants, shoes and warm jackets.

The procurement of this equipment was not supposed to be completed until 2031. After Lambrecht’s intervention, the servicewomen and men can now count on warm service underwear much earlier.

Almost no one says anything positive anymore

Actually, the SPD politician is on the right track when trying to turn the headlines about herself into a positive one. But her social media speech on New Year’s Eve ruins everything again. Lambrecht’s employees in communications in particular seem annoyed by their boss afterwards.

From the SPD it is now only defended without passion. Almost no one says anything positive anymore. The resignation seems to be only a matter of time. But now he would come at the worst possible time.

Important decisions will be made in your department next week. Lambrecht is actually meeting US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and a conference is taking place at the US military base in Ramstein, at which the western allies plan to discuss arms supplies for Ukraine. The new person in office would then have to master all of this with extremely little preparation.

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