Defense: Paratrooper exercise: NATO practices recapturing the airport

Paratrooper exercise: NATO practices retaking airport

Bundeswehr paratroopers from the Rapid Forces Division and other NATO allies practice rapid military response with paratroopers. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

NATO is sending a signal of deterrence to Russia from Romania. The alliance describes the exercise “Swift Response” as the largest airborne operation in Europe since World War II.

Like strings of pearls, hundreds of paratroopers jump on the southeastern flank of the NATO made up of 14 gray transport aircraft: With the largest airborne exercise in Europe since NATO was founded, the military alliance sent a signal of deterrence to Russia. More than 1,400 paratroopers from seven nations were deployed to free the Romanian military airport Campia Turzii, which was occupied by enemy forces – following a training scenario, as NATO officers said.

The paratrooper exercise “Swift Defender” is part of the NATO exercise series “Steadfast Defender”. German Major General Dirk Faust, who is leading the exercise with his Rapid Forces Division (DSK) of the Bundeswehr, said: “We are sending a very clear signal overall with the exercise ‘Steadfast Defender’ that we are ready to deploy forces very quickly at any time “To bring them where they are needed and to deter any enemy from aggression.”

The paratroopers who started the maneuver from Hungary landed in three so-called drop zones – drop-off areas for paratroopers – in the early evening and were already shot at by their training opponent – Romanian soldiers took on this role – while they were still running to assembly points with weapons and equipment. “I haven’t heard of any of my own being wounded or dead. I’ve only heard that two enemy armored vehicles were destroyed,” said Sergeant Marco (28), who jumped out of the first machine, describing the status of the exercise in the first hour . Weapons with practice ammunition were already firing in the background. Referees moved between the combatants and decided the outcome during the ongoing battle.

A total of around 90,000 soldiers were mobilized

With “Steadfast Defender”, NATO is responding to the changed security policy situation resulting from Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. A total of around 90,000 soldiers will be mobilized over several months to practice raising the alarm, moving large units of troops and defending against an attacker in combat.

The assumption for the exercise in Romania is that attacking soldiers are already in the NATO state. “This enemy was brought to a halt by the Romanian forces. However, the enemy managed to capture an airport as part of an airborne operation – as a prerequisite for its further operations,” said Faust.

His division controls this exercise with a total of around 4,500 participants in Hungary and Romania. The Rapid Forces Division includes mountain troops, paratroopers and helicopter forces, as well as the Special Forces Command (KSK). Faust also has a Dutch airborne brigade under his command. The 81st Romanian Brigade is also subordinate to the Rapid Forces Division and exercises regularly. She is involved in the maneuver.

Soldiers from the Rapid Forces Division have repeatedly been deployed abroad in recent years, for example in Afghanistan and most recently in the evacuation mission in the midst of the bloody power struggle in Sudan. They can be used in a short time. “We’re talking about first forces after 24 to 48 hours and main forces after 72 to 96 hours,” said Faust. Germany keeps such associations on standby for crisis prevention, including protecting or rescuing Germans abroad.

National and alliance defense is important again

Now national and alliance defense is becoming important again, probably the most important task of the Bundeswehr in the foreseeable future. Soldiers like the paratroopers deployed in Romania are considered “first-line forces” who take possession of so-called key rooms, key terrain and key infrastructure.

Because of the weather and because armed forces minimize risks during peacetime, the exercise was postponed for 24 hours. “As you know, the plan is the first casualty in combat,” said Romanian Brigadier General Daniel Pop during the exercise – and then became serious. “It begins the 27th month since the Kremlin launched a brutal and groundless war against Ukraine,” he said. There have been several attacks on the Ukrainian side of the border, which is disrupting the security situation in the entire Black Sea region. He said: “This exercise here demonstrates the Alliance’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to a crisis situation in the Black Sea region.”

Rapid Forces Division (DSK)


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