Decisive weeks for the traffic light coalition – Politics

The negotiations over money could decide whether the traffic light government will continue to exist. Chancellor Scholz is spreading confidence, but the centrifugal forces in the crisis-ridden three-party coalition are stronger than ever. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is urgently warning against new elections.

The traffic light government is facing decisive weeks that will determine its continued existence. The coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP wants to agree on a draft for the 2025 federal budget by the beginning of July. The conditions for this are more difficult than ever since the traffic light coalition took office at the end of 2021, as a double-digit billion amount is to be saved, all alliance partners have lost a lot of voter support and now want to raise their profile with a view to the federal election campaign next year. This is causing considerable differences in the government coalition led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

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