Debate over newspaper advertisement: Ministry of Finance must backtrack


Status: 27.08.2024 06:00 a.m.

The Finance Ministry used newspaper advertisements to promote the debt brake. Was this a covert party financing for the FDP? How closely was Lindner involved? The ministry must backtrack.

Moritz Rödle

Shortly before the European elections, two newspaper advertisements from the Ministry of Finance caused a stir. The FDP-led ministry advertised the debt brake instrument in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

At the time, the renowned constitutional lawyer Sophie Schönberger spoke of inadmissible government communication. The reason: the announcement about the debt brake was essentially an opinion or debate contribution. This was “generally inadmissible, especially so shortly before an election”.

Suspicions of illegal party financing have also been raised since then. Schönberger argued that a legal assessment could lead to the conclusion that the advertisement from the Ministry of Finance was so close to the FDP’s party program and appearance that it could be considered illegal party financing, even if this is certainly controversial.

“As discussed with Minister Lindner on Tuesday”

But it is also crucial whether FDP leader Christian Lindner, as Federal Minister of Finance, knew about the ad in advance. The question is: Was the ad too close to the FDP’s look and was Lindner involved in its design at the same time? The Federal Ministry of Finance did not want to say how specifically the Finance Minister and FDP leader was involved in the creation of the ads. ARD Capital Studio it was only said: “He was aware of the suggestion that the BMF commemorate the anniversary of 15 years of the debt brake in the Basic Law.” The implementation and final selection of the advertisements was carried out by the Communications department.

From this one could conclude that Lindner was basically informed that such advertisements would be made, but that he was not further involved in the creation process.

An email exchange that ARD Capital Studio now available together with Abgeordnetenwatch, but also allows for a different interpretation. On April 11, a ministry employee wrote an email to the responsible agency. In it, he approved the cost estimate for the advertisements.

An additional sentence under the release is interesting: “I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to send me the two new FAZ ad variants, as discussed with Minister Lindner on Tuesday.” Was the finance minister and FDP leader more closely involved in the advertising process?

Lindner more closely involved in process

Yes, the Ministry of Finance gives up ARD-Demand is now increasing. The minister was involved in the fundamental strategic issues of the BMF’s public relations work. Accordingly, he was present at a meeting with the framework contract agency on April 9, 2024.

These meetings will focus on the future focus of the BMF’s public relations work, and individual ideas from the agency may also be presented. A spokesman told the ARD Capital Studio on this: “On April 9, 2024, the debt brake complex was discussed among other topics. If concrete measures are implemented as a result of the pitch, this will be done by the Communications department.”

Allegation of illegal Party financing

For Düsseldorf constitutional lawyer Sophie Schönberger, however, the new information from the Finance Ministry makes a potentially crucial difference. Lindner’s presence at the so-called agency pitch now makes the accusation of illegal party financing understandable. “If Lindner was at a meeting where the design of the advertisements was discussed, then his dual role as FDP leader and finance minister will become a problem for him.”

During the election campaign, the roles could no longer be clearly separated. “In this respect, the advert in FDP terms may also have to be attributed to the FDP leader.”

It could be expensive for the FDP

If that is the case, it could be expensive for the FDP. The Bundestag administration must investigate the suspicion against Lindner. If it comes to the conclusion that this is a case of illegal party financing because public money was spent on party advertising, the Liberals must expect a fine.

Normally, the Bundestag administration imposes a fine in such cases amounting to three times the amount of the illegal donation. According to information from the ARD Capital Studios The two reports cost a total of 46,367.74 euros. The fine to the party could therefore amount to 139,103.22 euros. The Bundestag administration has not yet commented on a possible procedure.

The email also raises further questions. For example, why the adverts had to be recreated after the meeting with Minister Lindner. This could also indicate a stronger commitment from Lindner. ARD Capital Studio also asked this question to the ministry’s press office on August 12. The first answers came back on August 16.

In it, the ministry admits that Lindner attended the agency meeting. There is no answer to the question about the new motives. A further request to the ministry on this issue comes to nothing. The same goes for the request as to whether there was a ministerial submission for the meeting and what was specifically discussed at the meeting on April 9 in Lindner’s presence. On August 23, the ministry announced through a spokesperson that it was referring to the answer of August 16.

Left sues Lindner

But the finance minister is also facing trouble from Karlsruhe. The Left Party has filed a so-called organ dispute procedure before the Federal Constitutional Court. ARD Capital Studio The written statement is available. In it, the party requests the Constitutional Court to declare that the Ministry of Finance violated the constitutionally guaranteed right to equal opportunities for parties through the advertisements.

If the court follows this assessment, the finance minister faces what he already feared in the budget dispute: a defeat before the Federal Constitutional Court.

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