Death of Yvan Colonna: the flaws in the prison

Corse-Matin obtained the investigation report of the national anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office on the murderous attack on the nationalist in the prison of Arles. Obvious failures in the surveillance system and negligence of the most elementary security rules allowed the radical Islamist Franck Elong Abé to carry out this assassination.

They heard noise in the cardio room. This Wednesday March 2Ruddy and Nabil put the world to rights while listening to music in the activity space of the central house in Arles.

The central house in Arles has 280 cameras.  At the time of the incident, the information centralization station (PCI) was manned by two personnel.

It’s a little after ten o’clock. These two inmates receive “unusual cries”. Without worrying too much.

In a neighboring room, Mohamed and Hakim have the same interpretation of these outbursts. “Here, people who shout in this way, there are a lot of them. There are quite a few chtarbés. “

When they find themselves face to face with the investigators of the anti-terrorist sub-directorate (SDAT) and some General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI)just after the events, the four detainees nevertheless take full measure of the drama that has taken place a few meters from them.

It will be necessary to wait for the exploitation of video surveillance images by the police to grasp the violence of the scene which will have led to the death ofYvan Colonna


Read the whole of this file in our edition of Monday, March 28

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