Death in the roller coaster: the police are investigating in the amusement park in Rhineland-Palatinate

Police are investigating after a deadly roller coaster accident in an amusement park

Sign near the entrance to the Klotten amusement park in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the roller coaster accident happened

© Harald Tittel / DPA

Shock in an amusement park in Rhineland-Palatinate: a woman falls off the roller coaster and dies. It is still unclear how this could have happened.

Fatal accident in an amusement park in the Moselle town of Klotten: a woman fell out of a moving roller coaster on Saturday afternoon and was fatally injured. The 57-year-old from St. Wendel, Saarland, died on the spot despite attempts to revive him, as the police announced in the evening. The investigation into the cause of the accident continues.

The accident resulted in a large deployment of rescue workers. The amusement park will remain closed this Sunday, it was announced on its website. A sign also hung at the entrance to the park in the evening, pointing out that it was closed on Sunday.

The cause of the roller coaster accident is still unclear

How the accident happened is still unknown. The investigation into possible causes is ongoing, the police reported. As is usual in such cases, the public prosecutor’s office was also involved.

The accident in the wildlife and leisure park in Klotten, also known as “Klotti”, happened around 4:30 p.m., about an hour and a half before the park was supposed to close on Saturday.

On its website, the park describes its 550-meter-long “Klotti roller coaster” with the words “curvy, maximum gradient and up to 60 kilometers per hour”.

The park was opened in 1970 as a wildlife park on the Moselle heights near Klotten, according to the website. According to the information, it has been expanded into a leisure and family park with new attractions since the 1990s. The roller coaster opened accordingly in 2004.

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Watch the video: amusement parks have a lot of attractions to offer, and not just for children. But which park is the best? The travel portal Travelcircus asked itself exactly this question and compared 65 amusement parks in Europe.


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