Daycare statistics: More childcare places in Munich, but a severe shortage of staff – Munich

More and more children in Munich are being cared for in crèches, kindergartens and after-school care centers. The number of childcare places increased in 2022 compared to the previous year, from almost 92,000 to a good 98,200 places. Most of them are in the kindergarten sector (47,131 places). With a total of 39,390 childcare places, the city is the largest provider of childcare. Independent and private providers as well as parent-child initiatives and day care together offer around 58,900 places. These numbers come from the daycare statistics for 2022, which the education department presented to the education committee on Wednesday.

However, not all places that are theoretically available are occupied: almost a third of the facilities (30.1 percent) state that they cannot allocate all childcare places due to a lack of staff. That is once again more facilities than in the previous year (27.1 percent) – so the staff shortage in daycare centers has become even worse. Most parents booked care time between seven and eight hours for their crèche and kindergarten children, and almost a quarter of parents booked between eight and nine hours per day.

The proportion of children with a migrant background in daycare centers fell slightly from 2021 to 2022 – from 38.2 percent to 37.8 percent. The definition refers to children whose parents are both of non-German speaking origin.

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