“Day Shift” with Jamie Foxx on Netflix: Vampire exploitation – culture

JJ Perry’s “Day Shift” is a veritable social drama in which Jamie Foxx has to hunt dangerous bloodsuckers in Los Angeles. Vampires again? About a genre that cannot be killed.


Juliana Liebert

It all starts with a dead rat. Bud Jablonski fishes them out of a pool in the San Fernando Valley. The colors shine powerfully Californian. But appearances are deceptive. Bud, played by a rested Jamie Foxx, is a cleaner, but – we suspect – of a different kind. There is not much time left to guess further. In the age of streaming wars and monumental special effects thunderstorms, content makers, like Count Dracula, fear the wooden peg. The consumer is a degenerate being, they have learned. If he is not shot at immediately, he switches off. That’s why they rip the working man camouflage off their pool cleaner after a few minutes.

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