Darmanin wants to dissolve the identity association Alvarium

The minister presented it on Twitter as “a de facto ultra-right group”. Gérald Darmanin said Thursday that he had acted for the dissolution of the association based in Angers, L’Alvarium. “Today I have initiated an adversarial procedure against an ultra-right de facto group, the Alvarium, located in Angers, with a view to its dissolution”, announced the Minister of the Interior on Twitter, adding that “the many facts observed, the repeated reports of many elected officials, including the mayor of Angers (Christophe Béchu, editor’s note), motivate this action”.

On its website, the Alvarium presents itself as a “community and a convivial and militant meeting place” leading “a social action in the service of those whom the State prefers to ignore”. “Our association is resolutely identity-based, it promotes Angevin culture, a component of French and European civilization”, it is written on the site which lists the “initiatives”: “defense of heritage and rediscovery of our local culture”, “distributions weekly clothing and food “,” community initiatives (vegetable garden, tips, jobs) “or” political activism for awareness raising “.

Several of its members, far-right activists, have been convicted of acts of violence. “The substantive elements” will be communicated “at the end” of the adversarial procedure, said the entourage of the Minister of the Interior.

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