Daniela Büchner: Separation from Sohel via social media

Daniela Büchner was dumped by her boyfriend on social media

Daniela Büchner at the premiere of the SAT. 1 show “Helene Fischer – An evening intoxicated”.

© Gerald Matzka/ / Picture Alliance

Daniela Büchner is just not lucky in love. After the death of her husband Jens Büchner, she found her new love in Sohel Abdoulkhanzadeh, but he separated just a few hours before a TV appearance.

The annual jungle camp not only reveals secrets around the campfire, there are also one or two interesting confessions on the show “I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here ‘The Hour After'”. This also applies to Daniela Büchner, who announced the separation from her “Goodbye Germany” colleague Sohel Abdoulkhanzadeh in the TV format.

One of the two show hosts, Olivia Jones, asked the widow yesterday: “You look a bit sad today?” whereupon Daniela Büchner, called Danni, looked at the floor and agreed: “Yes, that’s just sometimes like that. You know, I think when you’re like that in the job that we do, it’s bad when people talk about you or make stories about you.”

The second moderator, Angela Finger-Erben, adds to Jones’ question: “You can see that you no longer have your chain on.” She is alluding to a gold chain that bears the name of Daniela Büchner’s friend “Sohel”. Danni explains: “Yes, that’s how it is in the getting-to-know-you phase, I’m sad about the disappointment that people always talk more than they should.” Olivia Jones reacts with understanding to the admission of the separation and says: “I was happy when I heard that you have a new relationship. But your big problem is also that many people make eyes at you because of course they know they get fame, likes and that they could gain a foothold on ‘Goodbye Germany’ through you.”

Daniela Büchner doesn’t want any public mud fights with her ex

Finger-Erben takes the floor again and clarifies the situation: “Anyone who is not coming right now because it has nothing to do with the jungle – Danni Büchner is single again because her ex-boyfriend was on social media a few hours ago broke up.”

The day before, Büchner’s gut feeling about her ex-Sohel was already right when she showed Angela Finger-Erben a photo of her now ex-boyfriend on the TV format “The Big Jungle Party” and said: “Look, he’s really cute , but I have a feeling he just wants fame or followers.” In the further course of the program it also becomes clear that her ex-boyfriend went public shortly after the first contact with the story that he would now be dating Daniela Büchner.

Source: RTL


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