Danger of war – growing fear of escalation – politics

The US government believes a Russian invasion of Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics is possible. “We are in a window where an invasion could begin at any time should Vladimir Putin decide to order it,” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said at the White House on Friday. He stressed that the US government had no information that Putin had already made a final decision to invade. But he also said: “We continue to see signs of Russian escalation, including new troops arriving at the Ukrainian border.” In view of the tensions, Russia’s head of state Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden want to talk on the phone this Saturday, according to the Kremlin. “In fact, the American side has asked for a meeting with President Putin, and a meeting between the two presidents is planned for tomorrow evening Moscow time,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Friday evening. The United States is moving another 3,000 soldiers to NATO partner country Poland. US President Biden said in a TV interview that if there were a Russian invasion, an evacuation mission with the help of US troops would be unthinkable. “It’s a world war if the Americans and Russians start shooting at each other.”

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