Danger from ticks – already 60 TBE cases in Bavaria – Bavaria

While people in Bavaria are enjoying summer temperatures, ticks in the state are also very active. Since the beginning of the year, the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) has already registered 60 cases (as of June 25) of so-called early summer meningoencephalitis (TBE), a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Munich said. By the beginning of June, there had been 37 cases – the authorities had not recorded so many cases of meningitis in Bavaria during this period since the mandatory reporting began in 2001.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the risk of contracting tick-borne meningitis is greatest in the months of May to October. According to the information, the highest number of cases usually occurs in June. Looking at the figures from previous years, it is clear that the development is around four weeks ahead, said the ministry spokesman. It is currently still uncertain to what extent the numbers will continue to rise in the coming weeks.

Ticks lurk in bushes or tall grass and can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and TBE. The small crawling creatures, which cannot cross large distances or jump with their short legs, are attracted by the electrostatic charge of their hosts. According to the researchers, this allows them to travel several millimeters or even centimeters through the air. (Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa)

TBE is mainly transmitted by ticks. Through a bite, the viruses enter the human bloodstream and can cause the disease there. According to the RKI, transmission occurs less frequently through the consumption of infected raw milk.

A TBE infection usually begins with flu-like symptoms. Later, some of those affected develop inflammation of the meninges, brain or spinal cord. Some patients have long-term effects such as paralysis. The disease can also be fatal.

In addition to the TBE virus, ticks can transmit the pathogens that cause Lyme disease. The disease is much more common. The first symptom of Lyme disease is often redness around the bite site, and later nerves, joints and the heart can be attacked by the bacteria. The disease can be treated with antibiotics.

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