D-Day for the Olympics, the voted health pass and the separatism law under debate

Did you miss the news from the start of the morning? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

D-day for the Tokyo Olympics

The opening ceremony will give this Friday at 8 p.m. local (1 p.m. in Paris) the official kick-off of the Tokyo Summer Olympics, postponed for a year by the coronavirus pandemic and shaken by many storms. In the particular context of a world living under the threat of Covid-19, the ceremony, the details of which are, as tradition dictates, kept secret, will be “simpler and more sober”, the organizers warned. Without an audience, but with the parade of 206 delegations lined up behind, for the first time, two standard bearers, a woman and a man (judoka Clarisse Agbegnenou and gymnast Samir Aït Saït for France). In the tribune of honor, French President Emmanuel Macron, who arrived in Tokyo this Friday morning, will be surrounded in particular by the Emperor of Japan Naruhito, the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach and the First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden.

The health pass voted last night at the Assembly

At the end of a lively sleepless night, the National Assembly voted at dawn this Friday the new anti-Covid bill with the extension of the health pass, already partially in force since Wednesday, as well as the vaccination obligation for caregivers. The legislative sprint promised by the executive took on the appearance of an obstacle course even before the right-wing majority Senate took up this burning text today. The government is aiming for the bill to be adopted before the end of the weekend at the end of the exceptional parliamentary session. Because with 22,000 contaminations in the past 24 hours, the highest since May 5, the epidemic is on the rise again.

Separatism: final adoption expected of a controversial text

Crushed by the twists and turns of the health crisis, the debate on the controversial anti-separatism bill comes to an end this Friday with a final vote by the National Assembly which is worth final adoption. After five months of parliamentary back and forth, the text provides for the perpetuation in common law of devices tested since 2017 via the “internal security and fight against terrorism” law: stricter supervision of home instruction, the offense of “ separatism “, repression of hatred online, strengthened control of associations, funding of cults … New” freedom-killing laws “which participate in” the security runaway “, denounce the defenders of public freedoms.

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