Cyril Hanouna regrets his remarks but does not apologize, the two men announce to file a complaint

“We don’t come to people’s homes to shit on the carpet. » From the first quarter of an hour of the 2 h 15 sequence (from which the advertisements must be subtracted) that “Touche pas à mon poste” (“TPMP”) devoted to the “affair” Louis Boyard, Monday, November 14 in the evening, the tone was set: far from indulging in a mea culpa for the insulting remarks made against the deputy (La France insoumise, LFI) for Val-de-Marne Thursday, November 10, the C8 broadcast on the contrary, endeavored to make a meticulous trial of the elected official.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Cyril Hanouna insults LFI deputy Louis Boyard and causes an uproar

At the start of the afternoon, Louis Boyard announced his decision to file a complaint against the host. Come, on November 10, to discuss the fate of the 234 migrants collected by the humanitarian ship Ocean-Vikingthe deputy had been called” fool “of “nose”of “fucker” or even of “jester” after he had tried to report on the actions of Vincent Bolloré, Vivendi’s largest shareholder and therefore owner of the Canal+ group, on the African continent.

Monday evening, Cyril Hanouna announced, in turn, wanting to file a complaint against his former columnist, “for all the defamation he has had against us”. Just before leaving the set, Louis Boyard had accused his host of “raise racism”having “made money on Zemmour” and “danced on the Lola case”. A few days earlier, on October 19, leaders of the chain dressed in bling-bling disguises had come to the set to celebrate the good audiences of the show. In particular those of the day before when, in a debate devoted to the death of little Lola, Cyril Hanouna had spoken out for “a quick trial”and a penalty of “direct perpetuity” for the murder suspect.

Read our profile: Article reserved for our subscribers Cyril Hanouna, childish in the house

“He is just with his face uncovered”

Several times during the show, the host-producer recalled that he did not apologize ” no way “but only that he regretted the “offensive language”. “It’s like Zidane’s headbutt, who says ‘I don’t regret it but I’m not proud of it'”, compared the host, excusing his attitude by his rash character.

Three deputies – Karl Olive for Renaissance (Yvelines), Pierre-Henri Dumont for Les Républicains (Pas-de-Calais), Julien Odoul for the National Rally (Yonne) – and a former deputy (Eduardo Rihan-Cypel, former Parti former socialist with Territories of Progress), contributed to this interminable settling of scores by criticizing the overall behavior of deputies from LFI in the National Assembly.

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