Cyril Hanouna charges Benjamin Duhamel after his interview with Sébastien Cauet

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VIDEO – The C8 troublemaker defended the host targeted by three complaints for rape and sexual assault, this evening in “Touche pas à mon poste”, and attacked the political journalist, son of Patrice Duhamel and Nathalie Saint -Crick.

“He chose to speak on BFMTV with Benjamin Duhamel. It’s like you’re going to play tennis and you have the choice to play with Federer or with a guy who’s just starting out and well, you’re going to play with a guy who’s just starting out. It doesn’t matter, at least it allowed him to eat it”declares Cyril Hanouna by way of introduction to the last subject covered in “Touche pas à mon poste” this Monday, December 11.

The C8 talk invited Nathalie Dartois, the wife of Sébastien Cauet following the three complaints for rape and sexual assault to which her husband is subject. The latter came out of silence the day before on BFMTV, but the exchange turned out to be tough between the journalist and his guest. Sébastien Cauet believes that his presumption of innocence was not respected and indicated via a press release written by his lawyers that he was going to refer the matter to Arcom “on this dissemination of falsified documents by BFM despite knowledge of their legal challenge”.

Full support from Cyril Hanouna

If Sébastien Cauet denounces yesterday a “incriminatory interview”, on the contrary this evening he benefits from real support from Cyril Hanouna. Between each magneto, the C8 troublemaker does not miss an opportunity to prick Benjamin Duhamel: “I discover the live interview because I never watch this young man who is unbearable”.

The host of “TPMP” then describes him as “little genius of trainees” or “mommy and daddy’s boy”. “His father asked me for it, but I never took it I think, I would have to look again in my files, but I think I did the right thing not to take it”, says Cyril Hanouna. Benjamin Duhamel is the son of political journalists Patrice Duhamel and Nathalie Saint-Cricq.

A quarrel prior to the trial of “his friend ». In April 2022, while the presidential campaign was in full swing, Benjamin Duhamel was not kind to C8’s political program, “Face à Baba”. The journalist commented on the refusal of candidate Marine Le Pen to go to “Quotidien”. “On her argument, she considers “Quotidien” to be an entertainment program, which is questionable. […] When she went to C8 opposite Cyril Hanouna in a show whose name we won’t mention, we could also consider that it was entertainment and, yet, that didn’t stop her from going there.he declared. “Contempt”according to Cyril Hanouna who had already mentioned at the time an application sent to him by the young journalist.

SEE ALSO – “He is paying today for what he was”: Macha Méril’s clear opinion on Sébastien Cauet

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