Curious: Berlin reports an official fox

Berlin reports an official fox

A fox made it into the office building of the Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs. Photo: -/Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

You don’t get a visit like this every day: Fuchs Günther made it to the top floor of a Berlin authority in Kreuzberg without an appointment or an official ID.

A fox has been spotted in the middle of a Berlin Senate office. The animal only sat in front of the office building of the Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs in Kreuzberg on Wednesday morning, as a spokesman explained. Then the fox made it over all floors up to the attic. He was stopped in the stairwell and calmed down with a lot of encouragement. Then he voluntarily returned to a cardboard box.

According to the authority, the caretaker service called the police. “They came and took the little guy so that he could be examined by a vet and get the right help.” It’s not uncommon for foxes to roam about in Berlin – recently there was even a picture of one on a bus operated by the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG).

The fox in the authority of Senator Katja Kipping (left) was given the name “Günther” on a whim, it was said. “It is not yet known how he managed to get to the 6th floor without an ID card or an appointment,” the administration wrote on Twitter.


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