CSU postpones closed conference due to Corona – Alexander Dobrindt also falls ill

CSU has to postpone the closed conference due to Corona – politician Alexander Dobrindt also falls ill

CSU politician Alexander Dobrindt

© Christoph Hardt / Geisler-Fotopress / Picture Alliance

This year’s retreat of the CSU MPs in the Bundestag is not under a good star: First the venue was relocated, now the event is postponed.

Because of several corona diseases – including its chairman Alexander Dobrindt – the CSU state group in the Bundestag has postponed its traditional closed meeting. The two-day deliberations that should have taken place this Thursday and Friday will be postponed to a later date, as the “Münchner Merkur” reported on Monday and the German press agency learned.

Among the corona infected is therefore also state group chief Dobrindt – although he is said to have been vaccinated twice and boosted. Four employees of the CSU in the Bundestag as well as the head of the Spanish Conservatives, Pablo Casado, who are planned as a guest, are also ill. The exam will be made up for in a timely manner, it said.

CSU has to postpone the closed meeting

With their retreat, the CSU MPs regularly assess their position at the beginning of January and look into the political year. Due to the corona, the conference should not take place in the Bavarian Seeon Abbey for the second time in a row, but in Berlin. The CSU in the Bundestag had created a strict security concept for this. In order to report on the exam, journalists would have had to provide proof that they were vaccinated and a negative PCR test.

The 45 CSU MPs wanted to focus this year on financial and economic policy and, among other things, talk about the high inflation rate and the low interest rate policy. Former Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn and Isabel Schnabel from the Board of Directors of the European Central Bank were invited.

The CEOs of BMW and Eon, Oliver Zipse and Leonhard Birnbaum were also expected. The MPs wanted to talk to them about globalization, digitization and climate protection. According to the CSU, the Spanish opposition leader Casado, who also had Corona, was supposed to cover the foreign policy part.

Alexander Dobrindt fell ill with corona

It had already become known that the CSU MPs wanted to demand a better position for single parents in terms of pensions. According to their ideas, senior citizens should receive a free account. And the inflation in Germany should be combated with a government-guaranteed positive interest rate for old age provision and a statutory inflation brake, it said.


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