Criticized online, a make-up workshop for children, led by a drag queen, is supported by the town hall

Refusing to follow the example of Toulouse which redirected a drag reading initially intended for a young audience towards an adult audience, the city of Bordeaux maintains its program for theth month of early childhood in Bordeaux, whose theme this year is gender equality and the fight against gender stereotypes. Among the activities on the program: readings, philosophy workshops, theater and a make-up workshop offered by Serge, drag-queen, which aroused some reactions.

“Each time there is an event of this kind, a drag reading or a make-up workshop, there is a radicalized section of the population who let loose on social networks and certain sites relay, regrets Olivier Escots, assistant to the mayor of Bordeaux, in charge of disability and the fight against all forms of discrimination. We think that to work for an egalitarian society and to fight against all the stereotypes that plague our society, we must open the minds of each other and this, from an early age. »

“Times of benevolence of tolerance”

It is in particular members of the far right who have rebelled against this programming on social networks. “This marginalized part imagines things that are very far from reality, believes the deputy mayor of Bordeaux. These are times of benevolence and tolerance, as I have seen by attending drag readings, especially last June, during the month of pride”.

The programming of the month of early childhood will continue until February 11, with teams and authorities on alert, at the height of “hate messages”, posted online on the subject.

“We cannot be disappointed and amazed by the attitude of the mayor of Toulouse, who is shrinking from the fachosphere, concluded Olivier Escots. I intend to send him one or two books so that he gets his idea. “.

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