Criticism of Greta Thunberg: Your words stir up hatred of politicians

Headwind for climate activist
Criticism of Greta Thunberg: Your words stir up hatred of politicians

Greta Thunberg, climate activist from Sweden, speaks during a demonstration on the sidelines of the UN climate summit COP26 in Glasgow. Your choice of words has been criticized by politicians and journalists.

© Jane Barlow / PA Wire / DPA

In Glasgow, the world-famous climate activist Greta Thunberg criticized the policy for inadequate action against the climate crisis. But now politicians are criticizing Thunberg for their choice of words – and calling on them to go into politics themselves.

Usually it is climate activist Greta Thunberg who criticizes politics. On the sidelines of the World Climate Conference in Glasgow, she accused the countries of the world of inaction in the fight against the climate crisis at a large demonstration. It is no secret that the COP26 is failing, said the Swede on Friday in George Square in the center of the Scottish city. In front of thousands of protesters, the 18-year-old accused the heads of state and government of consciously working to maintain the status quo and to continue to exploit people and nature and to destroy future living conditions. “The leaders don’t do nothing – they actively create loopholes and create framework conditions in order to benefit themselves and continue to benefit from this destructive system.”

The world climate conference has become a public relations event, while the governments of the more affluent countries have continued to refuse to take any drastic climate action. “This is no longer a climate conference. This is now a global north greenwashing festival, a two-week celebration of business as usual and blah blah blah.”

Protests should turn into political engagement

Now criticism of the 18-year-old climate activist came from politics – from Norway and her home country Sweden. “It is wrong that nothing happens. Politics is useful,” protests Norwegian Climate Minister Espen Barth Eide. “If you say that politics has no meaning, that you don’t really need to meet, then we are on a somewhat dangerous course. I believe that the strong and sensible commitment to make a difference must be translated into political action – without rejecting the idea of ​​democratic political change, “he told the radio NRK.

Criticism also came from Lisa Nåbo, chairwoman of the Swedish Social Democrats (SSU) youth organization. It is important to be an activist: to be in, but it is even more important to be a politician: to be in. According to the SVT TV channel, the SSU chairwoman said she had great respect for the work that had been done, but believed that the protests were not bringing the desired result.

In her speech at the Social Democrats’ congress in Gothenburg on Friday evening, she said that she believes that the actions of climate activists “do not help” during demonstrations: “I see the solution in going into politics instead and taking over state power “says Nåbo.

“Doesn’t need Greta Thunberg, who only spreads contempt and hopelessness”

The SSU chairwoman believes it is important that young people get involved in parliament and help distribute the funds from the state budget. “If a fifth of all young people demonstrating for the climate in Stockholm had joined the Social Democrats, they would have taken over this party,” she said SVT and continues: “Then Fridays for Future could have dictated the conditions for Sweden’s largest party. This is how you influence (politics) in a democratic society.”

The political editor Kjetil B. Alstadheim of the major Norwegian newspaper also finds clear words “Aftenposten”. In a comment entitled “Contempt for politicians does not save the world” he criticizes Thunberg’s tone at the protests. “She risks leading them (the protests) into something authoritarian, anti-democratic and downright dangerous. Her rhetoric is only a jerk away from calling for anything beyond civil disobedience. And what she says is untrue. Progress is being made made even if they are not big enough. “

“We need a Greta Thunberg and activists who push from outside. It doesn’t need a Greta Thunberg who only spreads contempt and hopelessness,” continues Alstadheim.

Sources: NRK, SVT, “Aftenposten”, DPA news agency


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