Criminal defense attorney allegedly arrested during evacuation of Humboldt University

A lawyer was among those arrested during the evacuation of the Institute for Social Sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin, several lawyers’ associations announced on Friday.

Following the incident, the police filed 25 criminal charges on suspicion of breach of the peace. According to the Republican Lawyers’ Association, the lawyer Benjamin Düsberg was among the almost two dozen suspects.

The Association of Berlin Criminal Defense Lawyers reports that Düsberg identified himself as a lawyer. Nevertheless, he was arrested. In addition, he was not informed of the charge of serious breach of the peace during his arrest. When asked on Saturday, the Berlin police were initially unable to comment on the allegations.

Fatal testimony after occupation of Humboldt University

Last Wednesday and Thursday, pro-Palestinian activists occupied the Social Science Institute of the Humboldt University with the tolerance of the university administration. This resulted in a lot of property damage. A Hamas symbol, the red triangle, was also sprayed on several walls. According to Berlin police, 169 people were briefly arrested.

The Association of Berlin Criminal Defense Lawyers particularly questioned the lawyer’s arrest against the backdrop of the celebrations for the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law. It violated several basic rights, including Article 12 of the Constitution, which stipulates the professional freedom of lawyers.

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According to the association’s statement, the arrest of the lawyer not only has consequences for the defense attorney himself. The university occupiers have also lost their legal representation.

In addition to criminal law, Düsberg has specialized in extradition law and offers advice on this subject. The Tagesspiegel was unable to reach Düsberg himself on Saturday.

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