Crimes against humanity: Criminal court investigates Venezuela

Status: 04.11.2021 03:20 a.m.

The security forces in Venezuela allegedly tortured and executed government opponents. Now the International Criminal Court is taking its investigation to the next level.

The International Criminal Court has opened a formal investigation into alleged crimes against humanity in Venezuela. Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan announced the investigation will conclude a three-day visit to Venezuela.

At a press conference with the controversial Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Khan said he was aware of the political fault lines in Venezuela and the different geopolitical positions on the situation in the South American country. But he will not tolerate interference in the investigations of the criminal court.

Allegations of torture and execution

The ICC started preliminary investigations into possible crimes against humanity in Venezuela in February 2018. There were allegations that since April 2017 the government had used “often excessive force” to break up and suppress demonstrations and mistreated prisoners of the opposition. Torture and executions are said to have occurred. However, possible acts of violence by government opponents were also examined.

The next step is a formal investigation into these allegations. What exactly this includes, Khan did not want to explain in more detail. But it is the first study of its kind in a Latin American country. So far, the ICC has mainly focused on alleged atrocities in Africa.

Human rights organizations praise the move

“This is a turning point,” said José Miguel Vivanco of the human rights organization Human Rights Watch. There is now not only hope for the victims, but also a prospect that President Maduro will be held accountable for crimes committed by his security forces. However, it will be years before charges can even be brought.

Maduro said he disagreed with the aspects under which Khan opened the investigation. But he is confident that an agreement with the chief prosecutor, according to which the Venezuelan authorities can also conduct their own investigations, will bring the truth to light.

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