Crime: Trial: 14-year-old is said to have killed a peer

Trial: 14-year-old is said to have killed a peer

The trial surrounding the death of a 14-year-old in Franconia is scheduled to continue on May 13th. photo

© Daniel Karmann/dpa

The actually unimaginable becomes reality in Lohr in Franconia: a 14-year-old is said to have shot a person his age on a school campus. It’s not just the family asking why.

After just under an hour, the first day of the trial for the death of a 14-year-old on a school site in Franconia has been ended. The defense should be given the opportunity to view files submitted at short notice, explained a spokeswoman for the Würzburg regional court. The defense trio also promised a statement from their 14-year-old client. The trial is scheduled to continue on May 13th.

The German is charged with murder. Like his victim, he is said to have attended middle school in the small town of Lohr in the Main-Spessart district. The public prosecutor is convinced that the 14-year-old killed the Italian of the same age on September 8, 2023 on school grounds with a shot in the head from behind – insidious, the victim did not expect an attack. The murder weapon, a nine-millimeter pistol, legally belonged to a neighbor of the defendant. How the student got the gun is not publicly known.

The defendant remains silent about the allegations

The prosecution is convinced that the suspect acted out of pure desire to murder – following the example of the US serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. He committed one of the most gruesome series of murders in the USA.

Since the defendant is a juvenile, the proceedings must take place in front of the youth chamber of the Würzburg Regional Court without the public. Spectators were not even allowed to watch the reading of the charges on Friday.

The teenager has remained silent about the allegations since his arrest on the day of the crime. The court has scheduled 17 days of hearings for the proceedings until August 9th. For juveniles, the maximum sentence for murder is ten years. However, according to the court, preventive detention is possible under strict conditions.


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