Suspicion of abuse against former youth football coach

According to police and public prosecutors, a former youth soccer coach is said to have sexually assaulted underage boys and given them narcotics. (archive image) photo
© Boris Roessler/dpa
Once again, a youth soccer coach in Hesse is suspected of abuse. Investigations against the man have been ongoing for months. The club concerned reacts with dismay.
After allegations of abuse against one became known Youth soccer coach from the Main-Taunus district reacted with dismay at the affected club. On its website, the Gymnastics and Sportfreunde Hornau association from Kelkheim said it was dismayed by the allegations against the 28-year-old. Immediately after this became known, the trainer was relieved of all his duties with immediate effect.
The former youth soccer coach is suspected of sexually abusing underage boys and giving them narcotics. The man from the Frankfurt area has been under investigation since May on suspicion of sexual abuse of children, rape and the supply of narcotics to minors, the Frankfurt public prosecutor’s office and the police announced on Friday evening.
The association informs the parents
The man is said to have sexually approached young people in at least four cases between 2022 and 2024 and caused them to consume the narcotics. The boys are said to have been unable to defend themselves against the much older defendant, who was their football coach at the club.
The Frankfurt district court had issued an arrest warrant against the man, which was executed on August 14th along with a search warrant. The accused has been in custody ever since. The investigation against him continues. The main focus is on evaluating data carriers that were found during the search. It is also still being determined whether there were possible additional victims.
A spokesman for the Frankfurt public prosecutor’s office said that no further information could be provided for tactical reasons. No details were initially known about the size of the data carriers or the type of narcotics.
According to its own information, the association, together with the Wiesbaden criminal police, informed the parents about the alleged incidents on Friday. The statement said that we stand for respectful and responsible cooperation and that the safety of children and young people has top priority.