“Crime Scene: The Man: The Success Story of Detlev Buck

“Crime scene: The man
The success story of Detlev Buck

Detlev Buck in the Münster “Crime Scene: The Man Who Fell into the Jungle”

© WDR/Frank Dicks

The “crime scene” receives a visit from movie star Detlev Buck. A breath of freshness blows through Münster with Jan Josef Liefers and Axel Prahl.

Detlev Buck (61) is unique. Hardly any other actor in the German-speaking world embodies such a high level of recognition as the former farmer, who was born in Bad Segeberg. Wherever it says Detlev Buck, there is also Detlev Buck in it. Always. This applies both to his work as an actor, to his productions as a director, to his writing as a screenwriter and even to his coordination as a producer. His typical humor, his often extravagant way of playing, his sometimes bizarre dialogues and his sometimes bizarre visualizations are so typical that you immediately feel taken away. Provided you like Buck’s idiosyncratic style, which sometimes seems a bit over-the-top to his (few) critics.

Nevertheless, his works have had a permanent place in the German film landscape for decades – and it is no longer possible to imagine life without them. Heaped with awards, Buck is now dedicating himself to a project that is unusual for him: Surprisingly, for the very first time in his long career, he was drawn to a leading role in a “Tatort” episode. In the Münster crime thriller “The Man Who Fell into the Jungle” with the equally strange main characters Bourne (Jan Josef Liefers, 59) and Thiel (Axel Prahl, 63), he plays – of course – a special character whose vita changes over the course of the story Films are becoming increasingly strange.

Detlev Buck fits perfectly alongside Jan Josef Liefers and Axel Prahl

A cast that couldn’t have happened better. Detlev Buck, alongside Liefers and Prahl, fits perfectly into the Münster “Tatort” cosmos, which has neither cared about conventions nor neglected the comedy aspect for years. A “Perfect Match”: Buck fits Münster like a glove. Unfortunately, in all likelihood it seems to have been just a one-time thing. What’s a shame: Rarely has an actor complemented a harmonious “Tatort” duo that has been well-rehearsed for years like Liefers and Prahl as perfectly as Detlev Buck.

Strictly speaking, it wasn’t his first “crime scene” excursion: in 2021 he took over the direction of the Charlotte Lindholm crime thriller “Everything comes back”. Many observers probably still remember this film as the Udo Lindenberg “crime scene”. Maria Furtwängler (57), in her star role, came into the focus of murder investigators after a weekend planned as a love adventure at Hamburg’s Hotel Atlantic got completely out of hand. Udo Lindenberg (77) himself contributed two songs during the 90 minutes and can be seen several times – as well as numerous Lindenberg doubles.

Detlev Buck also had a mini-appearance in his “Tatort” as – of course – an eccentric brothel owner, but can only be seen in it for a few minutes. Nevertheless, he naturally gave this “crime scene” his inimitable and, above all, artistically valuable thumb. In the latest Münster “crime scene,” however, his presence is even more omnipresent than in the Lindholm crime scene. Simply because Detlev Buck is present in front of the camera in almost every scene.

That’s why we know Detlev Buck

After graduating from high school, doing community service and working on his parents’ farm in Schleswig-Holstein, Detlev Buck started his film career in the early 1980s with a small role in the Wolfgang Fischer film “What must be, must be”. He made his first film at the age of 21, after which he studied at the German Film and Television Academy in Berlin from 1985 to 1989. He celebrated his breakthrough with the Til Schweiger hit comedy “Männerpension” in 1996, for which he directed, wrote the script and also took on one of the leading roles. Other milestones in his career included “Herr Lehmann”, “Sonnenallee”, “NVA”, “Männerhort”, “Mängelexemplar” and “Rubbeldiekatz” from 2011.

In recent years, Buck has devoted himself primarily to the successful children’s film series “Bibi & Tina”, for which he has already directed five films and a TV series. Buck most recently appeared as a producer on the critically acclaimed feature film “Sophia, Death and I”. The directorial debut by Charly Hübner (51), with Dimitrij Schaad (38) and Anna Maria bother (38) in the main roles, is based on the novel of the same name by the musician Thees Uhlmann (49).


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