Crime: Robber raids supermarket and is then robbed himself

Robber attacks supermarket and is then robbed himself

A police vehicle in action. photo

© Carsten Rehder/dpa

Curious incident in Bottrop: When an armed robber flees from a supermarket with his loot, he is caught – but not by the police.

An armed robber attacked a supermarket in Bottrop and was robbed himself while trying to escape. The unidentified man knocked on the back door of a supermarket shortly after closing time on Saturday evening. When an employee opened the door, the robber threatened him with a gun and forced him to hand over the daily takings. When he fled on foot, he was met, kicked and beaten by two other men on the street, police witnesses reported. The two men took the loot from the supermarket and all three fled in different directions.

The supermarket robber actually had a surgical mask over his mouth and nose. He is said to be 20 to 30 years old, about 1.75 meters tall and slim. He was wearing a black hoodie, light-colored jeans and light-colored shoes, according to police early Sunday morning. There is no description of the other two men.


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