Crime: Large-scale police operation due to violent brawl in Berlin

Large-scale police operation due to violent brawl in Berlin

In Berlin-Neukölln there was a fight with several participants on Wednesday night, in which officials were also injured. photo

© Paul Zinken/dpa

15 people attack each other, injure themselves with a baseball bat, punches and kicks – and cheer each other on. How could this happen?

After a violent brawl in The Berlin-Neukölln criminal police are investigating eight suspects for bodily harm and serious breach of the peace.

The seven men and one woman, aged 15 to 54, are said to have been involved in the violent altercation that erupted in the High Deck development late Tuesday night. This had recently hit the headlines across Germany because of the New Year’s Eve riots. At that time there were riots in which officials were attacked and a bus burned down.

In the incident on Tuesday evening, around 15 people are said to have hit and kicked, the police said on Wednesday. According to the information, they supported each other by shouting loudly. Around 50 firefighters and emergency services from the hundreds of police were on site. Dogs and pepper spray were used, a police spokesman said.

Attack with baseball bat

According to this, a 25-year-old hit a man of the same age who was kneeling on the ground with a baseball bat on the head. The injured man fell forward and hit his head on the asphalt. A 43-year-old participant is said to have kicked a 25-year-old who was injured on the ground in the face. In addition, two brothers aged 23 and 26 fought with another pair of brothers (24 and 17). A total of three men were injured, two of whom were hospitalized. The eight suspects have been arrested.

Several participants are related to each other, as a spokesman said. He was initially unable to provide any information about the exact family circumstances. The investigation should show the motive for which those involved acted and whether they might have arranged to meet.

A spokesman was initially unable to confirm media reports that there were also attacks on police officers. “As far as we know, there were no colleagues who were attacked or injured.”


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