Crime: BKA: Drug trafficking is increasing in Germany

BKA: Drug trafficking is increasing in Germany

Seized cocaine is shown at the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) press conference on drug-related crime. photo

© Boris Roessler/dpa

56,000 drug trafficking offenses were registered last year. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) provides information on the development of drug-related crime in Germany.

Drug trafficking is increasing in Germany. The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Wiesbaden announced that almost 56,000 drug trafficking offenses were registered last year. This corresponds to an increase of 2.9 percent compared to the previous year.

According to the investigators, the number of drug offenses – including possession and acquisition – fell slightly by a little more than one percent to a total of around 361,000.

Most of the drugs seized by the police and customs were smuggled to Germany by land and sea. The Internet has continued to establish itself as a sales channel, the BKA said at the presentation of the “Federal Report on Drug Crime 2021”.

The share of trafficking in cannabis in all offenses was almost 60 percent. 1,826 people died last year as a result of their drug addiction. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, this corresponds to an increase of 15.5 percent year-on-year.


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