Covid-19: This is how the federal states are making progress with vaccination quotas

Fourth corona wave
This is how the federal states are making progress with vaccination quotas

The corona vaccination rates are very different in the federal states. Below is an interactive version of the graphic

The corona incidences have recently increased, especially in regions and age groups with a low vaccination rate. Current data show what these are.

The corona numbers continue to rise, the number of infected people and incidences are rising. In the current wave, there has long been talk of a pandemic for the unvaccinated, as the incidences have recently been high, especially in areas with a low vaccination rate, and also in the under-twelve-year-olds for whom there is (still) no approved vaccine (more data more here).

Bremen is the front runner in terms of vaccination rates and the incidences here have recently been comparatively low. With vaccination quota at the bottom of Saxony, the incidences are significantly higher and the rates are significantly lower.

In all countries, the vaccination rates in the age group of 12 to 18 year olds, for whom the vaccines from Biontech and Moderna have been approved for a few months, are still well below those of adults. The graphics below illustrate this.

Graphic and map: Vaccination rates in the federal states

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The graphics show the vaccination status in the federal states. For a breakdown by age group and further details, please click on a bar or a federal state. The data comes from the RKI and is updated daily.

Also read on the topic:

Fourth corona wave: This is how the federal states are making progress with vaccination quotas

In the video: The pill against Corona: Molnupiravir is said to halve the risk of hospitalization or a fatal course of the disease in infected patients.

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