Coronavirus pandemic: ++ New data on booster vaccination ++

BioNTech / Pfizer intend to submit further data on a booster vaccination shortly. Justice Minister Lambrecht has urged all citizens to get vaccinated. All developments in the live blog.

07:24 am

Federal government is planning large stocks of vaccines

Health Minister Spahn, after research by the ARDMagazine Contrasts build up a huge supply of vaccines. Experts doubt the sense – at least as long as the global vaccination rate is low.

07:15 am

New South Wales wants to ease corona restrictions a little soon

The authorities in the Australian state of New South Wales have announced that the strict corona restrictions for vaccinated adults will be relaxed in September. This is possible because six million vaccine doses have now been administered in the state with 8.2 million inhabitants, said Prime Minister Gladys Berejiklian.

According to this, families in the parts of Sydney with the highest risk of infection are allowed to leave their homes for one hour for recreational purposes, as long as all adults are fully vaccinated. The hour is in addition to the one hour that people have been allowed outside for sporting activities.

Today, New South Wales reported a new high of 1,029 cases for new infections with the coronavirus within 24 hours. The day before it was 919, which was also a high at this point in time.

06:41 am

Federal Minister of Justice calls on citizens to vaccinate

Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht has urgently called on all citizens in Germany to have corona vaccinations. “We are still a long way from over the mountain with Corona, as shown by the steep rise in infections that predominantly affect people who have not been vaccinated,” Lambrecht told the “Handelsblatt”. “That is why every citizen is urged to get vaccinated now.” This is the only way to protect yourself from the risk of serious illness.

“All the arguments and facts speak in favor of the vaccination,” Lambrecht told the newspaper. In this context, she pointed out the possibility for restaurants, for example, to only open to vaccinated and convalescent people. The freedom of contract enables private providers “to go further here and only make offers for certain groups of people such as those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered”.

06:33 am

First Paralympic participant admitted to hospital

In Tokyo, the first foreign participant in the Paralympics was admitted to hospital because of a Covid-19 infection. However, it is unclear whether this is an athlete or a companion. This is reported by a Japanese news agency, citing the organizing committee. The person has only mild symptoms.

05:19 am

RKI reports 12,626 new infections

The Robert Koch Institute reports 12,626 new positive tests. That is 4226 more than on Thursday a week ago, when 8400 new infections were reported. 21 other people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths to 92,082 within 24 hours. In total, more than 3.9 million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany.

05:19 am

Blatt: Great Britain is considering school vaccinations even without parental consent

According to a newspaper report, the UK health authority NHS is considering vaccinating children between the ages of 12 and 15 in schools without parental consent. The regional NHS organizations are instructed to prepare for the “possible introduction of a vaccination program for 12 to 15-year-old healthy children from September 6,” reports the newspaper “The Telegraph”, citing e-mails from the health authority. The children did not need parental consent for the school vaccination program.

05:19 am

BioNTech / Pfizer submit additional booster vaccination data

The German company BioNTech and its US partner Pfizer want to submit further data for the approval of a booster vaccination against the coronavirus with the US FDA. According to the manufacturer, a phase 3 study showed that a booster vaccination with their vaccine had “significant neutralizing antibody titers” against the coronavirus. A corresponding application with this data should therefore be submitted by the end of the week.

A phase 3 study is crucial for a drug to be approved. It tests the effectiveness of a preparation and usually includes significantly more participants than previous studies. Participants in the study received the third dose of the corona vaccine between 4.8 months and 8 months after completing the second vaccination, according to the companies. “One month after the booster dose, the neutralizing Sars-CoV-2 titers against the wild-type strain were 3.3 times as high as the titers after the conventional second vaccination dose,” the statement said.

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