Corona worldwide: protests in France – politics

In France, tens of thousands of people demonstrated against the stricter corona rules for the sixth weekend in a row. Around 200 protest marches had been called across the country. These were mostly peaceful, in Montpellier in the south of France there was scuffle between left and right participants in a demonstration, as can be seen on television pictures. Apart from compulsory vaccination for health care workers, the protests were directed against the so-called health passport for proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test.

The health passport, which can be saved in the nationwide Corona app, has been required for two weeks, among other things, for visiting cafes and restaurants, before entering large shopping centers and when traveling by long-distance train or plane. Unlike in Germany, the easing of restrictions in France in recent months has not been linked to compulsory testing. So far, the use of the health pass has been running smoothly for the most part. (08/21/2021)

Sick US cardinal is doing better

Cardinal Raymond Burke, who has Covid-19, is on the mend. The 73-year-old American is no longer artificially ventilated, reported the management of the Burke-founded pilgrimage site Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse in the US state of Wisconsin on Saturday. Burke was therefore moved from the intensive care unit to a normal hospital room.

Burke had been on a ventilator for a week and had been unconscious for days. He had previously announced via Twitter that he had been infected with the corona virus. He received “excellent” medical care, according to the former President of the Supreme Court of the Vatican and internal church critic from Pope Francis.

The cardinal is a decided critic of a restrictive corona policy and a vaccination skeptic. He rejects a general compulsory vaccination. Burke repeatedly spoke out against bans on worship services in order to contain the pandemic and criticized tendencies to equate prayer, devotion and masses with “ordinary leisure activities such as cinema or football”. (08/21/2021)

Thousands of infections at the European Championship finals in London

At the final round of the European Football Championship in London with tens of thousands of spectators and a number of fans around Wembley Stadium, more than 3000 people were infected with the corona virus. That comes from the figures of the health authority Public Health England for the two England games in the semifinals and finals on July 7th and 11th. 2295 of those present in and around the stadium are said to have been most likely infectious at the time of the games. 3404 other people are said to have been infected around these events. In the semifinals, 375 fans are said to have been infected and infected in 2092.

A corona test was actually necessary for access to Wembley Stadium, but visitors had to state that it was negative. In particular, during the final between England and Italy, chaotic scenes had played out at Wembley. Thousands broke into the stadium without a ticket, and there were several violent clashes.

The British government had previously been criticized by health experts for admitting 60,000 spectators in the stadium at the height of a massive wave of corona infections at the games, even under pressure from the European Football Union. After the figures were published, those responsible called on the population to get vaccinated and continue to watch out. “We have shown that we can again hold major sporting and cultural events in a safe manner, but it is important that people remain cautious in very crowded environments.”

When asked, the Ministry of Sports could not say how many people were actually infected in the stadium and how many in the case of fan gatherings outside. The events attracted “a significant number of ticketless people into the area of ​​Wembley Stadium, who likely contributed to the increase in infections around the event,” the statement said. (08/20/2021)

Belgium relaxes corona measures

Far-reaching easing of the corona measures is imminent in Belgium. From September 1st, hygiene rules for the catering and private sector are to be largely repealed. However, municipalities can still adhere to stricter rules, as the Belga news agency reported on Friday evening after a meeting of the national corona committee.

A mask requirement remains, for example, when traveling and at church services and funerals, but restrictions on the number of guests at tables or opening times in restaurants are to be dropped. In the Brussels region, according to the report, easing measures should not initially be implemented in view of a low vaccination rate. (08/20/2021)

Spain declares all of Germany a corona risk area

From August 23, all of Germany will be declared a corona risk area due to the increasing number of infections, said the Spanish Ministry of Health in Madrid on Friday. This reclassification is initially valid for seven days and makes it more difficult for visitors from Germany to enter Spain.

All immigrants from Germany over the age of twelve must present proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test by midnight on August 29th. Most recently, only five federal states – Berlin, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland and Schleswig-Holstein – were considered risk areas. In the case of an antigen test, it must not be older than 48 hours upon arrival; in the case of PCR tests, it must be a maximum of 72 hours.

Visitors from countries with low numbers of infections and not on the Spanish list of risk areas are allowed into the country without any conditions. However, all visitors still have to fill out an online form. You will receive a QR code that you must show upon entry. The airlines often check the conditions before departure.

If travelers from Germany visit areas in Spain that are on the German list of high-risk areas – such as Madrid or the Balearic Islands with Mallorca – they have to be in quarantine for ten days when they return home. This can be ended after five days at the earliest with a negative test. (08/20/2021)

Israel sends reservists to hospitals

In view of a sharp increase in new corona infections, the Israeli army says it is sending around 200 reservists to dozens of hospitals again. For example, the reservists would help with logistical tasks such as moving patients or transporting medical equipment, said a military representative. It is about relieving the medical staff so that they can take better care of the patients.

According to the army, more than 600 reservists were temporarily on duty in the hospitals during the pandemic. According to the Ministry of Defense, 6,000 reservists are currently supporting the municipalities in an antibody mass test of around 1.6 million students before the new school year starts on September 1st.

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of seriously ill corona patients rose to 603 on Wednesday. This is the highest value since March. The number of new corona infections reported within one day was more than 8,500 cases at the beginning of the week – the highest value in more than half a year. The numbers in Israel have increased massively since June, with more than 58 percent of the approximately 9.4 million Israelis being vaccinated twice. In addition, more than a million people aged 50 and over have already received a third booster vaccination. (08/19/2021)


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