Corona weekly report: RKI continues to urge caution

Status: 04/14/2022 8:10 p.m

Even if the peak of the corona infection wave has clearly been passed, the RKI continues to urge caution over Easter: The burden on the health system is still high, according to the institute’s weekly report.

Before the Easter holidays, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) warns of caution and consistent compliance with the protective measures, despite the fact that the current corona wave has clearly passed its peak. In a weekly comparison, the nationwide seven-day incidence has fallen by 24 percent, writes the RKI in the weekly reportwhich mainly refers to data from the past week.

However, the infection pressure remains “very high with more than a million Covid 19 cases transmitted to the RKI within a week,” it said. The previous report had already stated that the peak of the wave had now clearly passed. According to the RKI, the incidences in all age groups have recently decreased significantly. For the first time this year, the number of new hospital admissions of patients with Covid-19 and a severe respiratory disease has also decreased in all age groups.

Nevertheless, the RKI health experts pointed out that the capacities in the health system, especially in the inpatient and intensive care areas, are still under heavy strain due to numerous corona failures among staff. In the weekly report and on Twitter, they called again to act responsibly, especially over the holidays. “Our behavior determines the pandemic,” wrote the RKI on Twitter.

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