Corona virus: Vaccination remains mandatory for Bundeswehr soldiers

Federal Administrative Court judges
Vaccination against the corona virus remains mandatory for Bundeswehr soldiers

Bundeswehr soldiers have to tolerate vaccination against the corona virus until further notice

© Marijan Murat / DPA

It remains the same: Bundeswehr soldiers must tolerate vaccination against the corona virus. This is how the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled. But the topic is not off the table yet.

Corona vaccination remains mandatory for Bundeswehr soldiers. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig dismissed the complaints of two Air Force officers against the inclusion of the Covid 19 vaccination in the list of mandatory vaccinations. Among other things, the plaintiffs saw their basic right to physical integrity violated by the regulation and demanded that the vaccination be removed from the list, but were unsuccessful in doing so. (Az. BVerwG 1 WB 2.22 and others)

Since the end of November, soldiers have been obliged to tolerate the corona vaccination, provided there are no medical reasons to do so. The basis is the Soldiers’ Law, which also stipulates compulsory vaccination for tetanus, hepatitis and other diseases.

Soldiers must tolerate vaccination against coronavirus

From the point of view of the plaintiffs, the corona vaccination has not been sufficiently researched, and it does not prevent infection or illness. The court now stated that the Federal Ministry of Defense should examine and weigh up possible new findings on vaccination before issuing a new order for a booster vaccination.

In this case, the Federal Administrative Court has jurisdiction in the first and last instance. At the start of the hearing in May, the presiding judge, Richard Häußler, made it clear that a decision in this case would only affect the two plaintiff officers. Further proceedings by soldiers from different units on the subject are pending before the Federal Administrative Court.


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