Corona: Suspected Omikron in schools and daycare centers in the Segeberg district

Corona in Schleswig-Holstein
Hundreds of people in quarantine – suspected omikron in schools and daycare centers in the Segeberg district

Many children are currently in quarantine in the Segeberg district (symbol picture)

© Photo booth / K. Schmitt / Picture Alliance

In the Segeberg district in Schleswig-Holstein, concern about the particularly contagious omicron variant of the corona virus is growing. There are several suspected cases, hundreds of children and adults are in quarantine.

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The concern in the Segeberg district is great: Hundreds of students, daycare children, teachers and educators are stuck in quarantine. Several people at two high schools and three daycare centers were infected with the coronavirus – the suspicion: It is the particularly contagious Omikron variant. On Tuesday, the district announced that 48 new corona infections are now known. Two of them are contact persons of other people who tested positive. How many of them are really infected with the Omicron variant has yet to be evaluated.

800 people in the region infected with corona

According to a press release, 800 people in the district are infected with the corona virus. There are currently 823 people in quarantine at home. The number of all those infected so far rises to 11,319 in the Segeberg district. 10,329 people are considered recovered. At the moment 21 people are cared for in a clinic, one of them in the intensive care unit. The number of people who died from or with COVID-19 is around 190.

The number of suspected cases is now increasing every day. The district assumes that it will stay that way in the coming days. At the moment, the number of suspected cases is still in the low double-digit range. In Kaltenkirchen at the Kita Tausendfüßler, at the Coppernicus-Gymnasium and Gymnasium Harksheide, as well as the Kita Schatzinsel in Norderstedt and the Kita Lilliput in Ellerau, there are suspected Omikron cases. Entire classes and groups were immediately quarantined. The laboratory values ​​will show in the coming days whether other people have been infected with the Omikron variant. In suspected Omikron cases, all contact persons must be placed in a fourteen-day quarantine, regardless of their vaccination status.

Since it is probably the Omicron variant, the quarantine cannot be shortened. According to the district, the quarantine does not end automatically, but only after it has been lifted by the responsible health department. “As a rule, the parents receive a call about this,” continues the Segeberg district.

Corona in Schleswig-Holstein: Hundreds of people in quarantine - Omikron suspected in schools and daycare centers in the Segeberg district

See in the video: While Germany is currently fighting to break the fourth corona wave with booster vaccinations, Israel is already one step further. The reason is the rapid expansion of the Omikron variant.

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