Corona situation: Scholz announces federal-state meetings

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Status: 11.11.2021 10:19 a.m.

Next week, the federal and state governments are to come together for another conference of prime ministers to discuss the corona situation. Vice Chancellor Scholz said that in the Bundestag. It’s about making the country winter-proof.

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has announced a Prime Minister’s conference on the corona situation for the coming week. He said in the Bundestag that he agreed with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on this. The federal and state governments should talk about the implementation of the corona protective measures.

In view of the dramatic Corona situation, Scholz spoke of wanting to prepare Germany for winter with sufficient measures. “We have to make our country winter-proof, so to speak,” said the acting finance minister when introducing the plans for the possible future traffic light coalition in the Bundestag. “The virus is still among us and threatens the health of citizens.” Therefore, things like mask requirements and hygiene rules should be able to continue to be enforced.

Scholz also spoke out in favor of a “big joint campaign” for more vaccinations. He appealed to the people: “Get vaccinated! It is important for your health and it is important for our country.” Everything must be done “that millions of citizens get a booster – that is the task of the next weeks and months”.

In addition, 3G should be introduced at the workplace, i.e. access only for vaccinated, convalescent and tested people. “That is a necessary improvement,” said Scholz.

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